Jackie sits on the edge of her hospital bed staring death straight in the eyes, a Polish-Ukrainian Grandmother watches the news in horror, and a senior citizen cradles her 20-gauge shot gun vowing “You’re not going to steal the food from my children’s mouths.” These 3 portraits will be exhibited at this years Capic 2022 Xposé. The portrait of Jackie won a best in category and has been printed by Bob Carnie of Bob Carnie Printmaking & Gallery. This Fine Art Group Photography show has been Curated by Bob Carnie: the exhibition brings together works by professional photographers from across Canada, showcasing the talent of CAPIC members and beyond.
She Stares at the Television screen in horror as the images dance upon her glasses. The NEWS is not good. A river of blood continues to flow in the small Ukrainian village on the Polish border where she was born. People are cut down like hay and are either burnt or put back into the ground to seed the future generations who will see the cycle continue. The wind blows freely while borders and flags alternate. Politics divide invading humanity and once again electric fences and barricades separate those who simply want to live. The moon waxes and wanes and the cycle continues.
A Mother’s Heart Always Bleeds.
Beware! If you try to take the food from my children’s mouths. … I have a firm grip and I will defend my family from predators.
My father died when I was 14. With his death good neighbours showed their true selves. People and institutions tried to take advantage of a young widow with 3 children. Mother was our defender and fought for our survival. She held the family together and assumed the role of both parents. The following year I was supposed to go hunting for the first time with my father. That year my mother and I took the fire arms safety course and in the fall she took me deer hunting. This portrait pays homage to my mother and is part of a larger exhibition / book project entitled a Mother’s Prayer. Please visit www.michaelcichon.ca to view the story.
Jackie’s Confession
Jackie sits on the edge of her hospital bed and stares death in the eye. At first I was petrified she confesses. I really thought I was losing my mind. I saw the strangest creatures come out from the walls. Then they would scurry and hide in the corners or go back into the walls. Nothing was solid and predictable. The doctor said it was just a side effect of the medication, but I know it’s death approaching.

For more details concerning the event please visit the following sites:

The event is sponsored by B3K Digital, Bob Carnie Printmaking & Gallery, The Cardinal Gallery