Imagine you are an 81 year old woman driving from the country to the city. It is raining, heavily, at times and you set off with the car fully packed and the family German Sheppard lying on the back seat. Half way along the car begins to act erratically. First the wipers begin to move slowly. Then the lights begin to flicker and the radio suddenly shuts off. The RPM dial goes haywire and the engine lurches forward and the car begins to loose power. You are approaching an exit but the car is slowing down. You pull over just before the exit. Ok, you say, you’ll just call CAA. You don’t have a cell phone but your son traveling with you does. You take out your card and make the call. When you explain that you are stranded on the side of the road by exit 48 they respond, that they don’t have any service for your location. What? You will have to call 911 they say. The Police will send a tow truck. They tell you that you will have to pay for the service but then you can claim the money back. You do what they say and wait, and wait some more. Finally you get a call, the truck will come shortly but they cannot take you to your destination: Montreal. But I have a full car and I need to get home you say. Sorry the driver replies; I can only get you off the road and bring you to a location where you can call CAA and they will pick you up. You have no choice so you agree, what else can you do? The drives comes shortly and loads the vehicle. He explains he is the only one on duty: It’s Monday early evening and all the garages are closed. You get in and drive about 10 km to a nearby exit. Right by the exit is a business that is closed. He pulls in. Before he unloads the car he charges you $261.00. After you pay he tells you at this address CAA will pick you up and take you to Montreal. He unloads the car and leaves you facing a corn field along a long stretch of highway. Once again you call CAA. You’re not sure how you’re going to get home and unload the car and get the dog home. So you ask the helpful customer service agent. From the dealership you can take a bus she suggests. But I have a full car and a dog. Taxi she says. I don’t know you’ll have to talk to the driver. Once again you wait. It’s getting darker and darker. The rain begins to fall heavily and that’s when the CAA truck arrives. The Driver is helpful and you decide to go to the dealership. You call a family member and they agree to help. They’ll meet you there when you arrive. You are so happy when your vehicle is finally at the dealership and you arrive home; you are cold, wet, tired and just want to go straight to bed: sleep! The next day you start the process to reclaim the money you spent for the first tow truck. You fill out the form and read they cover only up to $150 … you are so glad you got the Premier CAA Membership … such wonderful roadside assistance for your senior years … such peace of mind and you can’t wait to give them a piece of yours!