2017 was a year of re-seeing, re-visiting, back tracking and of course photographing. And so. A train took me past Pickering and Richmond Hill as I made my way up to Owen Sound. According to the ticket agent she said I was going to Lala Land! Well I would have it no other way. A great visit with my friends Eric and Karen and of course (Sage and Abby).  A perfect day was had … lazy paddling in a canoe in the Sound … watching the clouds … taking the time to talk to a good friend … perfect …. perfect I tell you! And so you don’t need any pictures of perfect! You do? Well wait! I am not ready to show you perfect. So this journey will be begin en route to Brantford.

And so the journey to see my aunt and family in Brantford, Ontario. A city I remember from my youth and teenager when my parents would drive down on holidays. Having an older cousins always meant early introductions, and different, “advanced” perspectives on life. Standing in front of my aunts house I could see how we once milled about. The ghosts were still there. My memories. I could still see where my father ran a race with his nephew down the street in front of mt aunts house. I relived scenes I captured so long ago … It was a magical house where our family gathered and celebrated and mourned.

 This re-encounter took me to the streets, around the buildings, by the tracks and by strange people. I walked about, and spoke to a few souls. This is a tough town. Trust no one. The town cops are corrupt. Evil is every where … I walked and walked some more … photographing buildings, and forms of interest … and it so happened I saw something. It caught my eye. And so I began snapping away. Click Click Click … another position and more clicks … and then I look up and noticed two Police Officers standing by their Black and White Patrol car. They were staring at me. Ok so I’m not in Montreal, and to some this may seem strange! So I walked over and say Good Afternoon. Blank Expression. Visiting my aunt for a couple of days. Walking about. Photographing what I remember. Memory lane. Oh came a smile. Would you guys pose for a portrait? No? I didn’t think so. Ok You take care and enjoy the day … and I walked off to take more pictures, all the while thinking “taking pictures of what I remember? Memory lane? what Kind of youth did I have in the city? About 15 minutes later they drove by while I was photographing. We waved to one another like old friends!

All that to say one really gets a feel and vibe while on the street … different places, different people, and different inter relationship with their environment … now add our filters … mine stained with the memory of a foreign adolescent … and now a foreign adult passing through … and some of the most interesting moments were not captured live on so here are some fragmented moments of this short trip into Ontario … Enjoy

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