• Life Drawing: The naked Truth about Your TeaMan! Yes this is me turning the other cheek so to speak. When I moved to Vancouver and opened my tea shop in Chinatown, these bohemian artists would drop by, and one named Lane…he was a dodgy type you know…
Anyways he calls me and say’s…”hey man if you drop your drawers for art you can make groovy money man, and you get to strike poses for lots of art girls man….I know this man with a van…he teaches the gaming kids…lots of gigs…good money….hmmmm I hummed. “You know there’s that whole arty thing going on there at Basic Enquiry…might be more your cup of tea… just down the street from your shop. Just past that old titty bar … Why don’t you come by and I’ll introduce you.” Well the next thing you know I was enrolled in Mr. Lanes course entitled “So You What To Be A Life Model Eh?”, given by the great one himself, David J. Lane; super star of those long hard poses. His resume included Emily Carr School of Art and Design, Vancouver Film School, Capilano College, and so many other meat on the podium art places. And so after extensive “pose training” on his very public purple porch facing the Adanac bike route at Semlin, I graduated and made my debut at Basic Inquiry: slipping into my skin and onto the podium to the soothing voice of Daniel Charbonneau, playing a little music for awhile.
Ahhh, the poses, the memories; when the CBC allowed to Pied Piper to capture our imaginations, instead of forcing us to drink tonic. From that moment on I was hooked to exposing for art, and I followed in the foot steps of my mentor. Soon I too hit the posing circuit. So if I look somewhat familiar, and you think you’ve seen me somewhere before, but can’t just place it, perhaps you’ve seen me doing a tea demonstration, or on the podium, or just hanging in a gallery: and that’s the naked truth about your TeaMan!
Stay tuned, perhaps I’ll reveal more tales from the podium. And if you need a model for your group/school here in Montreal, feel free to contact me; the pay per view starts from the podium!
• Life Drawing
If you’re an artist looking to sharpen you’re life drawing skills or just curious to explore the medium, then Basic Inquiry is the place to go. This is a great little studio in our neighborhood that brings the artistically minded together. Be sure not to miss the annual find raiser entitled “In The Nude For Love”. A fun evening where many Life Models volunteer their time, giving artists lots of figures and combinations to draw in the three main posing corners; offering a variation of 2 minute, 10 minute and 30 minute poses. And when the bell rings everybody rotates. Last year all this was done to the glorious sounds of the cello playing Bach. A real treat!
Basic Inquiry. The Vancouver life drawing society encourages the appreciation and production of figurative art. We provide a friendly and positive place to practice figure drawing and painting at reasonable rates.