Senior Nun Portraits

My Dawson Portfolio: Senior Nun Portraits at the Residence Maison Jesus Marie.

My final portfolio for my Dawson graduation. These 11 images were shot at the residence Marie Jesus, and the women in these photo’s are nuns, all of them career women and educators, all extraordinary people. I especially, want to thank Sister Helen from making this project happen, for introducing and welcoming me to this wonderful community. Also a very special Thank You to Valerie Simmons, my portfolio adviser. Thanks for your patience and professionalism.

Postscript: the first sister in my series Julienne Duval born in Feb 1916 died on the 1st of January 2016. She had planed her funeral from A to Z and had used my portrait of her to commemorate her life. I am happy to have had the opportunity to see and capture her smile. Since, other have gone. All happy to have had their portraits taken; to leave smiling.