Author: Michael

Book - Exhibition Projects

Chase, Choice, Consequence

Chase, Choice, Consequence was created as a CD booklet of spoken word poetry. In 1996 I was living in Toronto with my partner. We had

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Fine Art Collections

British Columbia Landscapes

Over the years and I have been building up my fine art prints from BC. I spent many moments in these magical spots. Let me

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Fine Art Collections

The Live Like Water Retreat

Some of my Fine Art prints inspired by my Live Like Water Retreat located in the beautiful Easter Townships of Quebec. I work and walk

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Woman Shaman Portrait

I met Caroline Oullette of the La petite Fiole at the East Bolton Farmers Market when I was selling my teas. I wanted to explore

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Photo Blog

Teaman In Ottawa

I recently had the pleasure to spend the day in Ottawa. Of course my first stop was to find the famous 5 and to share

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Taipei Street Photography

It was both strange and familiar arriving in Taipei for the first time … the smells, and sounds and sights all mixed with jet lag

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Haruko Takahashi Portrait

Every so often, if we are lucky, we meet dynamic and wise people like Haruko Takahashi. Our fates crossed when she needed identification photos. She

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Photo Blog

East Bolton Bee Project

Well this year the East Bolton Bee Project brought us to Bakers Pond, a lovely spot for our hives. And as for the honey …

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Photo Blog

Easter Celebration

This photo essay is a tribute to 3 very special people: Father Paul Pomkoski, Father Paul Geraghty, and Father Gerry Westphal.

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Product Photography

Robax acet Product Portrait

Well certain products are really household names … at least in our household … Mom and I like to work in the woods … and

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Photo Blog

Home Ward Brantford, Ontario

2017 was a year of re-seeing, re-visiting, back tracking and of course photographing. And so. A train took me past Pickering and Richmond Hill as

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Photo Blog

My Winter Solstice Post

 Very recently it dawned upon me that Winter Solstice has arrived. The darkest day and with it the day’s getting longer! I always appreciate the

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Book - Exhibition Projects

Our Royal Victoria Hospital

 No two eyes see the same thing … I have examined re examined the Royal Victoria Hospital where I worked before the move to the

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Photo Essays

Mom! GrandMa Dynamite!

 With so much love I present this photo essay and tribute to my Mom. Happy Birthday! Cto Lat (100 years) To a woman who is

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Busan Harbour

Call me Ishmael but walking around the harbor in Busan has always been a real pleasure for me, I I have spent many of nights/mornings

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Korean Master Potter Toyayo

It was an honor to finally meet Korean Master Potter Toyayo. His pottery was introduced to me through my Korean Tea & Pottery connection in

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